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What is Intersectionality?

Writer's picture: Forrest Forrest

Intersectionality was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, civil rights advocate and professor at UCLA School of Law and Columbia Law School, in 1989. Intersectionality, n.

The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage; a theoretical approach based on such a premise. Intersectionality is truly a framework for conceptualizing a person, group of people, or social problem as affected by a number of discriminations and disadvantages. It takes into account people’s overlapping identities and experiences in order to understand the complexity of prejudices they face. Intersectionality, in particular, is a term that many people and organizations assert an importance for, but that others are unclear on. Despite our shared vision, racial equity work can often times feel exclusionary to those who are not familiar with the lingo. Understanding the terminology used in racial equity work is a useful tool for people expanding their knowledge on the issues they care about. Progress is not linear; yet, worth each step towards a more inclusive and progressive world.

What Can You Do?

Continue to read— literature is a resource and fulcrum, providing a balance and wealth of information. However, you may want ot also review the below list of things you can engage as you navigate sepcific and various intersections. You can make informed decisions and literature will assist you on your journey. -Recognize Differences -Avoid Oversimplified Language and Generalizations -Analyze the Space You Occupy -Seek Other Points of View and Perspectives -Be Present Check out Your Favorite Librarian's Top 8 BLack Literature Titles on Intersectionality. This collection of books explore intersectional theory, the study of how overlapping or intersecting social identities—and particularly minority identities.



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