Let’s have a real talk—Your Favorite Librarian used to struggle with reading fluency.

Your Favorite Librarian used to avoid reading aloud, in public or simply at all. Before college, reading was a uphill battle royal. Yet, with an established goal, wonderful resources, consistency and drive, and reading list—nothing is impossible, if you put your mind to it.
Firstly, reading fluency is the ability to read accurately, smoothly and with heart… (or prosody). No, not like Captain Planet—

Reading Fluency is divided into three major components: Accuracy, rate and prosody (of that heart part I was speaking about). It is common to acknowledge someone’s reading weakness as they reading aloud; however, it is none of your business, my friend.
In order to become a fluent reader mastering word recognition and any various comprehension skills is essential to become a great reader. So, take it easy on other folks when they struggle— we all start somewhere.

Fluency adds a great significance to reading simply because it bridges confidence. Confidence, in my opinion, makes up prosody. Prosody refers to the expressiveness of a reader. It’s about their rhythm, emphasis and tonality.
Yet, many of us hide in silence. Reading is a joyful occasion— a neutral time to explore the world, history and communities around you. Yet, these explorations become more than a challenge if reading fluency is not properly prioritized.

How to measure reading fluency? Reading fluency is calculated by taking the total number of words read in one minute and subtracting the number of errors. The golden question that pertains to reading fluency is how to improve one’s fluency. Explore Your Favorite Librarians top suggestions: 1. Read aloud— to yourself, a friend or even your pet. 2. Listen or follow along with an audio recording.
3. Practice different types of reading: Paired reading, echo reading, choral reading, repeated reading and the list goes on and on. Find the appropriate type of reading for you. 4. Practice sight words and stimulating vocabulary It took Your Favorite Librarian years to master specific reading skills. Progress is not linear; yet, worth every step along the journey. Utilize literature to master skills, learn more about yourself and to sharpen your strengths.
You are not alone— there is something for you. Continue to read, friend. Hopefully, Your Favorite Librarian’s experience will inspire you to pick up, and to finish, a great book. Don't waste time avoid literature— literature may be the resource you need to make informed decisions.