Each April is National Poetry Month, 30 days of celebrating the joy, expressiveness, and pure delight of poetry. April 2021 marks the 25th annual celebration of poets and poetry.

What is National Poetry Month? National Poetry Month was launched by the Academy of American Poets in April 1996. National Poetry Month reminds the public that poets have an integral role to play in our culture and that poetry matters. National Poetry Month, a celebration of poetry which takes place each April, was introduced in 1996 and is organized by the Academy of American Poets as a way to increase awareness and appreciation of poetry in the United States. From the youngest inaugural poet Amanda Gorman to Joy Harjo, the 23rd Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress, there are many poetry and volumes of poetry to explore.

How to Celebrate National Poetry Month? Each April, the Academy offers activities, initiatives, and resources so that anyone can join in National Poetry Month online and at home:
Order (for free) and display the official 2021 National Poetry Month poster featuring lines by Joy Harjo
Read about 30 ways to celebrate National Poetry Month online and at home
Read about 30 ways to celebrate National Poetry Month in the virtual classroom
Join the Academy of American Poets for its first-ever virtual Poetry & the Creative Mind gala on April 29
Find online poetry readings and events on our Poetry Near You calendar
Sign up for Poem-a-Day and enjoy a free daily poem in your inbox
Follow the thousands of celebrations taking place on social media with the official hashtag #NationalPoetryMonth
Share a #pocketpoem on Poem in Your Pocket Day on April 29
Create and share your own poetry
Host a virtual poetry slam or Open Mic
Subscribe to Your Favorite Librarian, for more Black and QPOC poetry and literature.