More To Me: The Story of the 7ft. Tall Third Grader by Nnamdi McDowell and illustrated by Kory Cooley.

This vibrant children’s book is a part of a wonderful series written by Nnamdi McDowell.
More to Me is about Skip, a seven foot tall third grader that is a bright and curious kid; yet, Skip has something unique about his appearance. Throughout his many experiences, we are able to follow Skip’s journey of self-love, confidence and individuality.
This title is a perfect resource to add to your home library, as this colorful book explores how to support people and their range of abilities. Projections, implicit biases and judgments create limitations or expectations of them according to their physical traits. Which makes this title a must-have and will be a great resource to discuss about abilities, disabilities and capabilities!

Now, all the kids expect Skip are great at basketball— because of his height, but he actually has different talents that he is ready to share with the world.

Check out this title and continue your reading with this great series. I give this book, and series, a SOLD 5 OUT 5.